Happy place? That's a no brainer here! For me, it isn't really about a place, more about the people surrounding me. Being with my boys, my husband, my family is where I can find my happy place anytime and anywhere. Our lives sometimes get filled with busy schedules, jobs, school... bills, that we forget that the little things, do matter. Its nice to take a little time to appreciate those small things, which in the long run, bring the most joy. My boys are my joy, they warm my heart, make me want to be better.
Labor day was a lazy day, since I had worked a 12 hour shift the night before. After a nap and dinner, took the boys to the park. My husband surprised us by coming home from work a little early and my oldest son arrived early from his weekend at his father's. We all played at the park.

That was a "happy place" moment for me. Hearing the little ones laughter, sharing conversation with my oldest, watching them run and play, their smiling faces... no words describe that happy feeling inside. I hope they remember moments like this. My new goal is to take time each day for the little things. Even if its something so random that you think it's not worth the minute or two, it does. I remember my father tucking me in bed as a child. It wasn't daily because of his job, but I have a clear memory of it. I remember him whispering in my ear, "goodnight my kitty eyes". I am thirty three years old, and it still brings a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Take time to make a happy place today, because it might be a happy place you save for the future!
I always look forward to seeing pictures of your boys on IG! They are darling. Excited to have you join me on this challenge! Can't wait to learn more about you!