Sunday, September 1, 2013


We all have different roles, different hats we wear in our family roles and daily lives.  Sometimes those roles overlap.  I work fulltime outside of home, am a mother, wife and also a daughter.  This past year, I have found it difficult at times to juggle those four.  My biggest role, I would say is being a mother. Being that I have two toddlers, this role is a constant one.  But one can not forget the other three.

"My mom is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune" - Graycie Harmon

My mother is a 59 year old, hardworking and wonderful mother of three.  This past March, she was diagnosed with cancer, after her tumor literally burst, causing her to bleed internally.  It is a miracle for her to be here and we pray for a miracle for her to continue to do so.  I've been through difficult times in my life; death of a mate and loss of a pregnancy, but these last months have been extra challenging.  Hard to juggle children, marriage, work and finances, as well as that of a daughter.  But I guess all mom's have lots to juggle, right?  That is why we have the capacity to do many things at once, specially if we have the support of family and friends.  I am more than thankful for my husband, who has been my biggest supporter in every way!

My mom is my friend, my shoulder to cry on, my rock. She's always given so much to my siblings and I, worked with what she had and tried to do the best.  Her and my father brought us to this country for a better life, worked multiple jobs to support us.  For them I am very thankful, love them deeply.

So we choose to live daily, with hope, happiness and make the best of each day. We never know what could be tomorrow or if there is a tomorrow.  Thank you for letting me vent! So If I am stressed, missing in action or don't post at times, you understand why!

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