Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sharing is not always caring

     I love taking pictures of my littles (not an actual word).  That is no secret.  If you follow me on instagram, you might get over whelmed by all my pictures.  My oldest son jokingly made up a song with the tune from the 90s show, Full House. I laughed as he sang, "Everywhere we go, everywhere we go, there's my mom, there's my mom, taking pictures of all of us".  Funny thing is, my children don't even notice the camera or phone anymore.  I am no professional, never took a photography class.  I am loving the opportunity to learn and practice, while capturing memories of them.  I also love instagram, I love the community, the friendships I've made by sharing pictures.  I've watched fellow IGers' children grow through pictures, just like they are watching mine.  We may never meet, who knows maybe we will.  I simply love to be able to share with others of common interest, admire beauty with pictures of places I might never go to and people I may never meet.
      The instagram community works by sharing your pictures, doing this, one does loose some privacy. Lately, I've been dealing with people taking pictures from my account without permission and either posting them as their own or tagging me after doing so, sometimes just randomly finding my pictures on people's profiles.  You might tell me, if you want your pictures to be safe, remain private.  Problem is, that defeats the whole idea of sharing.  I like to share, just do not appreciate someone taking my pictures and re posting them without asking first.  I've contemplated being private, but I know that is not for me.  I apologize for my rant, but I think it is common sense.  Sharing is not always caring, sometimes just plain stealing and rude! 

 Remember Jace's motto, "No share", haha!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Things I wish I knew in my 20's or that I knew, but just didn't care to listen to.

1. Slow down, don't need to grow up so fast.

While I am happy with my life, I do wish some things would of went smoother years ago. So if your very young and reading this, listen to me please, slow down and take time for yourself, prepare yourself with an education and/or explore those things you would like to do.

2. Puppy Love, sometimes is puppy love.

Remember that high school love? That teenage love? I remember thinking that love was all that was needed, who cares about finances and all else. It took me a while, but I learned that it isn't enough.  Maybe it I should say it wasn't unconditional true love both ways. A combination of lack of respect, immaturity, poor finances and stress certainly rocked my first marriage.  Took it to the point that when he wanted to bail, I was a little relieved. Yes, I know some do truly find love at such age, but love is much more than just that. It's respect, trust, tolerance, lots and lots of patience and above all, a two way street.

3. Waiting isn't so bad.

It really isn't. Patience is a virtue, easier said than done. Do you remember your parents saying that to you? And do you remember not listening? Haha! This applies to lots of things. From big life decision to making a purchase. I am in no way a patient person, but you live and learn for the next time around.

4. Raising kids is hard.

I remember seeing children misbehave when I was pregnant with my oldest. My 21 year old mind said, "oh my kids won't be acting like that".  Here we are almost 13 years later and I'm stuffing my 2 year old's face with candy at the grocery store, just to keep him quiet.  I've been guilty of other "bad parenting" things, you know all those things you read in books and magazines when you were pregnant.  Real life is not books, haha!  And just wait for the adolescent years, your in for a treat!

5. Kids grow up quick.

I gave birth my oldest at 21. Before I knew it, he's almost 13. Happens way to fast!  Enjoy them!  Having my son at 21 was different than being 30 and having children, at least in my opinion. I found it's more appreciated, not that I appreciated my 12 year old any less, he is the best thing that happened to me.  You see life and things a little different as you age. Some things become more important while others become less.

18 Months

12 years

6. Education is important but sometimes it's okay to not know what you want.

I've known what I wanted to do as long as I can remember, but I do wish I had gone back to school and extended my education before life became so hectic. Some people don't know exactly what they want to do, and sometimes it's okay.  It's the desire to want to, that is more important.  That little spark to want to keep trying or motivation to keep looking for what one wants, is what is important. It's never to late learn and one should never stop thinking.  Thinking brings out great ideas and yields to awesomeness, yes I said awesomeness!

7. Never tell your marriage problems to your parents, family or close friends.

Yes, this one sounds stupid, I know. I'm not talking about life changing things or dramatic things, I'm talking about those crazy little fights or those things that you will soon get over. Sometimes your husband and you, kiss and make up, while your family or friends sometimes have trouble getting over them.  I learned this the hard way with my first marriage. Even though we aren't together, I think there are a few things I regret sharing with people close to me.

8. Growing up is hard.

So your married, or maybe your not.  Maybe you are single with kids. Or maybe marriage and kids are not your thing.  There comes that moment when things hit you in the face and you realize that petty problems and worries you once thought were big, are nothing to what you now face.  Life is not always easy and glamorous.   You will be stretched in different directions, not always will you stretch, not always will you be able to do all.   One thing is for certain things will be okay.

9.  Becoming your parent or parents is inevitable.

Yes, you heard right.  You may not be an exact replica, but at times you will find you come close.  I find myself doing tons of things like my mom, at times I don't like it and try to modify it.  I try to embrace the good parts of it.

10. Family is important.

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Composed of different types of people, friends, different personalities.  Relationships change, some for worse some for better.  If you asked me 10 years ago if I would be so close with my mom, I would of told you, you are crazy!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Good, good day

     Today was a good day. One of those days that leaves you smiling. Smiling way after dinner, after dirty diapers, after bedtime struggles and Sunday night shows. After your husband goes to bed and it's just you and your phone, your still smiling. I'm thankful for little days like this. Yes, it's one day in the midst of weeks of tiredness, sickness, stress and hospital stays. And because of that, it makes it more sweeter. 
     I am very thankful for the day, feel very blessed. Family time with the boys and my husband, picking strawberries. We went to Froberg's Farm, in wonderful 70 degree weather!  The kids enjoyed picking strawberries, we enjoyed watching them and of course I had some needed picture taking time.  The farm had plenty of fields of strawberries, wonderful staff, lots of fruit and veggies, homemade fried pies and a smoke house with tasty goodies!  If you are in the Houston area, you should definitely make a drive to Alvin and pay them a visit, so worth it!

    I can not finish without saying how wonderful the boys raglan and sweater top are.  They are super cute, comfortable, organic cotton and come from wonderful Quinn and Fox.  Check their clothing items and prints, we love them as well as the owners!  

Hard to get a picture of everyone, haha!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

So what!!!

Four in the morning, sitting on the edge of my bed, chest is burning and reaching for my inhaler. This cold started more than a week ago, got better and now worse. My body wants to take some medicine and sleep all day, but in my head I start thinking of how there is no juice, no eggs, almost out of diapers. How in the next room is my mom and dad and I am wondering if my mom will wake up worse and require a visit to the emergency room, she is a ticking time bomb, at least it feels so. I look at my husband who is sleeping so soundly and try to keep quiet. After much attempt to fall asleep, it's 5:30, I get up and get dressed to go buy those missing things from the grocery store. My mom is moaning from pain as she walks to the bathroom, she sounds a little confused, the beginnings of the same thing which lands her in the hospital every time. 
    Today I am tired, what I would do to be alone. No kids, no parents, no husband, just me and the bed. Do what I want, stay asleep all day if I feel. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but a day alone sounds wonderful. Is it selfish? Maybe, it doesn't make it any less attractive. But no doctors appointments, no cleaning, no laundry, no worrying over my son's homework, no worrying about whose prescriptions need to be filled or did they take all their medications today, all sounds great.
   So I vent to my brother and sister, tell them how I'm tired, how mom is driving me crazy today. I feel a little better. I vent to my husband, who is working and picking up the slack from me missing work so often, he always makes me laugh. Then this guilt comes in about all the complaining I've been doing today. So I start thinking of how to make things easier. I love my mom and dad, but I don't want to neglect my husband and children. Oh why do we have to grow up?
     So I've come to the conclusion that I should just let it all go. Take it as it comes, one day at a time. So what if everyone is in pajamas all day, and so what if the boys eat cereal for dinner. So what if we sometimes have to resort to take out, more than not.  We see all these super moms who keep their house clean, kids tiddy, have all 3 meals per day done, on time and are dressed looking hot while doing it. Nick Jr has these little segments that say, "you been out mommed", funny but very true. It's not a competition, it should be empowerment between moms. I love the mommas who I've friended on Instagram, you ladies are so awesome! My new motto will be 'so what!'.  So what if my hair is up in a pony tail and greasy because I didn't wash it today. So what if we have pajamas all day, so what!  Today I'm not going to care, and I think there will be other days when won't care either, because sometimes, there are bigger things to care about!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Yes, tell me what you think...

     I've come to the conclusion that I attract crazy people. Yes, you heard right!  Crazy magnet here!  Random people come up to me and tell me what is on their mind! This morning, by 10 am I had already encountered one of these crazy people.
      Running late this morning, we left the house with bed head. We dropped off Nathan at middle school, went to pick up Nathan's glasses, pumped gas, picked up a bite to eat. We then went to pick up some prints of pictures I took of my cousin yesterday.  Typical morning errands right?  Well at the register, the cashier asked me as she looked at my boys,  "are they boys or girls?"  I laughed and said boys.  She apologized and I assured her that it was fine.  She complimented on their hair, we talked about hair care and she asked for some tips (because I must be a professional).  Another lady who appeared to be in her mid-late 40's, starred at us from the distance, made a small comment about how she thought the boys were girls.  We said goodbye, grabbed our things and walked to our car. As I'm loading the boys in their car seats, I noticed the second lady followed me outside to the car and is now standing there, itching to tell me something.  I finish putting Jace in his seat, close the door and smile at her. She says to me " Can I ask you something?", "Sure" I answer.  She goes on to ask me if when I was pregnant did I hope for a girl, I told her I did, but that I'm happy with my three boys.  She then says, "I figured you did.  But let me tell you something. If you are having trouble with them being confused for girls, you will have trouble with homosexuality later on."  At this point I am so surprised by her comment, that it takes me a while to process what she just said to me.  I feel my heart begin to race as I start feeling upset by her comment.  I laughed out loud and told her that just because they have long hair, they are not treated like girls.  I walk over to the other side of my SUV to ensure Ayden buckled himself correctly in his car seat, she follows me over.  She continues to tell me how they being asked if they are a boy or a girl, they will doubt what they are and may become "homosexuals".  I was beyond mad at this time all these thoughts in my head.  I mean how dare she continue to tell me this in front of my 4 year old (who is wise beyond his years), how close minded are you woman, better yet... who asked you?!  I tried to keep my composure in front of my children as she said to me "you should cut their hair". I quickly closed the door to the car and finally gave her a dirty look, and said to her "Ma'am did I asked you for your opinion?"  She looked at me with disbelief.  "You should keep your ignorance to yourself".  I got into the vehicle, closed the door and she finally walked away.  I was so mad, I called my husband to vent. 
      As I drove home, I thought of all the things I should of said to her.  But what do you say to someone like that?  Clearly nothing I said to her would make her change, not that I really wanted her to.  I was more upset about her saying that to me in front of my children.  I want my children to feel secure in who they are, to understand that there is so many differences in this world and that's what makes it so great.  How does one make children understand that we are each unique, when some people still feel the need for things to be uniform and only a certain way?  How do you deal with this issue?
We may not all look the same, but that's the best part!