It's no surprise I like shopping. It is often said that most women do and I would have to say that I am most women, I love to shop! Most of my shopping is not for me, I see things and think of buying them for my children, my husband and even my nieces. Clearly I have a problem and no, I don't want any help! I find myself buying things then praying the boys don't ruin them on the first wear! I tell myself, they are boys and getting dirty is the detrimental to their childhood, right? Who doesn't remember getting dirty when they were kids? I remember like yesterday, playing in the sand/dirt next to my "Buela's" (Spanish slang for grandma), with my cousins. We made mud pies all day long! Yes, we got yelled at for making a mess and getting our clothes dirty, but we loved it! So I try to think of things like that when they are ruining a perfect shirt or shoes that I adore! Yesterday, I found Jace, my 2 year old, had taken a marker and drawn all over the sofa pillows, his shirt and pants. He had a confused look when I took out the camera and took a picture. How do you reprimand a child after taking a picture and laughing and his silliness? I decided there was no way of me fixing that. I mean who can resist a cutie's shenanigans?! Again I say, hooray for playtime and getting dirty!
We have some new favorites that we have become fans of. We recently bought some Mini Rodini items from
Chicky Pop Shop, they are so soft! This mama has some awesome items at her shop, follow her on instagram @chickypopshop. Yesterday, we went by
Baby Go Green, and picked up the Mini Rodini penguin sweater, which is beyond soft, wish it was a blanket! We got to meet Debi, the owner of Baby Go Green and she is awesome!
Baby Go Green also carries other organic baby and kids brands like
Quinn + Fox's Messy hair shirt, like the one Ayden is wearing on the picture below. Drop by these two ladies sites, support small businesses!
Shopping at Houston City Centre at Baby Go Green